meet tina

about me

a bit about me

and my passion

I LOVE plants to death. Literally. 

I used to joke that my photography income kept me in plants because I was frequently replacing ones that didn’t survive the desert heat of Arizona. Despite my Master's degree in civil engineering, my first job out of college was at a plant nursery in Tucson, AZ, and though I sometimes had a brown thumb, I remained an ever hopeful gardener.

Now, living in Simi Valley, California, my gardening hopes & dreams have new life. I am so excited for all the possibilities! I have an ever-growing collection of plants and my fingers are crossed with each purchase that we will have a long relationship together! 

My photography is shaped by so many things I hold dear. Born and raised in the lush greenery of Western Oregon, then living in the Sonoran Desert of Southeast Arizona for fourteen years, and now recently relocated to Ventura County in Southern California - this new distinctly different environment has me again exploring the wilds and back roads, seeking out all of the beautiful places of my new home!

about me

a few fun facts

Besides going to college at Oregon State University (go beavs!) for seven years , to get my Masters of Science in civil and environmental engineering, I also named my first born daughter after my MMORPG video game character (a kickass mage named June) that I played in college. Where my WoW fans at?


I am a little bit nerdy. Ok, I am a lot bit nerdy.

My first born, Lincoln, was born with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). Within weeks of his birth, I was thrust into the world of caring for a child with special needs. As a mother of five, I can say that each milestone is precious, but the unexpected breakthroughs of a child who is trying to beat the odds? Well, there is nothing more joyful than that.


My introduction to motherhood was a little different than most. 

My mother had a passion for road tripping, and over the course of my childhood, we made a family goal of visiting all the National Parks and Monuments in the United States. During those long summer weeks on the road, my love for photography blossomed, fed by the realization of how valuable images were to storytelling, preserving history, and memories. 


Travel is in my blood.